Get NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments essay help
NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C:DNP Field Experience | Week 1
The practicum experience provides an opportunity to strengthen competencies in your specialty area as you complete part of the 1,000 clinical hours that are required for the DNP credential.
This week you prepare for the practicum experience by developing a plan that includes learning objectives and related activities. You also introduce yourself in the Discussion.
Please note that if you have already completed one or more quarters of this course (NURS 8600) you are required to develop and submit new, original learning objectives for each additional section of the course. In addition, your introduction in the Class Café should be a unique posting that serves as an update on previous introductions and your progress in the program. Refer to the assignments for a full description of the requirements and guidelines.
Complete your introductory Discussion posting by Day 3 of Week 1, and submit your Practicum Experience by Day 7 of Week 1.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Participate in a scholarly forum with colleagues and the course Instructor
- Develop practicum objectives aligned to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials, professional standards, and specialty guidelines
Discussion: Introduction
Throughout this course, you will have several opportunities to engage in a scholarly forum on DNP-related topics and on your practicum experience. In this first Discussion, you introduce yourself and begin to establish a working relationship with your peers and your instructor in this course. Please note that that there are slightly different requirements for students who are enrolling in their first quarter of NURS 8600 and for students who have already completed one or more quarters of NURS 8600.
If this is your first time enrolling in this course:
By Day 3
Post a brief introduction of yourself. Include a description of your current status within the DNP program, including your field of study and the setting in which you hope to complete your practicum hours in this quarter. Formulate a preliminary list of 1–2 practicum objectives that you are planning to include in your Practicum Experience.
If you have previously enrolled in this course:
By Day 3
Post a brief introduction of yourself. State how many quarters you have completed in NURS 8600, and explain what you have accomplished in these past quarters. In addition, describe what you hope to achieve in this quarter. Formulate a preliminary list of 1–2 practicum objectives that you are planning to include in your Practicum Experience.
A response for this posting is not required, but you are strongly encouraged to read a selection of your colleagues’ postings and reply with any insights or support you may have. Doing so will increase your engagement in this course and will help you to establish meaningful, scholarly connections with your fellow DNP program students.
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NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C:DNP Field Experience | Week 2
The two Discussion areas described in this week allow you to interact with your colleagues in the DNP program and with your Instructor in this course. These Discussions are intended to be open, scholarly forums for sharing insights related to your Practicum Experience.
Because these Discussion areas are open forums tailored to the unique dynamics of each quarter of this course, your Instructor will select and post Discussion questions for your response. The Instructor will also assign the due dates for the two Discussions. However, these due dates will typically center on Discussions in Weeks 5 and 9. Be sure to regularly check the announcements area and your course e-mail for your Instructor’s directions on completing the Discussions by the assigned dates.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Participate in a scholarly forum related to the Practicum Experience
Forward Thinking: Discussions
Discussion 1
In Week 5 (approximately 35 days into the quarter), you will be required to respond to the Discussion question posed by your Instructor.
Respond and participate according to the requirements and due date set by the Instructor.
Discussion 2
In Week 9 (approximately 63 days into the quarter), you will be required to respond to the Discussion question posed by your Instructor.
Respond and participate according to the requirements and due date set by the Instructor.
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NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C: DNP Field Experience | Week 3
The journals and time logs you complete in this course help to ensure that you are making significant, steady progress toward your practicum hours requirements and towards the learning objectives you developed in your Practicum Experience. These assignments also allow you to communicate regularly with your Instructor in this course and receive feedback and guidance during your practicum.
As you continue your engagement within your practicum setting, consider the learning objectives outlined in your Practicum Experience as well as the overall career goals you have set for yourself. Reflect on your experiences within your practicum setting, and refer to the Week 1 Assignment 1 area for a full description of the practicum requirements.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Evaluate Practicum Experience
Assignment: Journal I
Journal entries need to connect your previous professional experience with your practice, competencies/concepts in the program, and the information provided in your Practicum Experience. You will continue adding to your journal, creating a cumulative log of your Practicum Experience as a whole. This comprehensive journal will be submitted as a whole for each journal submission assignment.
All journal entries are one page in length (250–300 words) and should adhere to the Walden University guidelines for scholarly writing. Visit the Walden Writing Center for assistance. Include APA-style citations and references where appropriate.
By Day 7
Submit your first journal entry of your practicum experiences.
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NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C:DNP Field Experience | Week 5
The Discussion area this week allows you to interact with your colleagues in the DNP program and with your Instructor in this course. This Discussions is intended to be an open, scholarly forum for sharing insights related to your Practicum Experience.
Because this Discussion area is an open forum tailored to the unique dynamics of each quarter of this course, your Instructor will select and post a Discussion question for your response. The Instructor will also assign the due date for the this Discussion.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Participate in a scholarly forum related to the Practicum Experience
This week, you will be required to respond to the Discussion question posed by your Instructor. Respond and participate according to the requirements and due date set by the Instructor.
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NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C:DNP Field Experience | Week 7
The journals and time logs you complete in this course help to ensure that you are making significant, steady progress toward your practicum hours requirements and towards the learning objectives you developed in your Practicum Experience. These assignments also allow you to communicate regularly with your Instructor in this course and receive feedback and guidance during your practicum.
As you continue your engagement within your practicum setting, consider the learning objectives outlined in your Practicum Experience as well as the overall career goals you have set for yourself. Reflect on your experiences within your practicum setting, and refer to the Week 1 Assignment 1 area for a full description of the practicum requirements.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Evaluate Practicum Experience
Assignment: Journal II
Journal entries need to connect your previous professional experience with your practice, competencies/concepts in the program, and the information provided in your Practicum Experience. You will continue adding to your journal, creating a cumulative log of your Practicum Experience as a whole. This comprehensive journal will be submitted as a whole for each journal submission assignment.
All journal entries are one page in length (250–300 words) and should adhere to the Walden University guidelines for scholarly writing. Visit the Walden Writing Center for assistance. Include APA-style citations and references where appropriate.
By Day 7
Submit your first and second journal entries of your practicum experiences (the first journal entry was submitted in Week 3).
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NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C:DNP Field Experience | Week 9
The Discussion area this week allows you to interact with your colleagues in the DNP program and with your Instructor in this course. This Discussions is intended to be an open, scholarly forum for sharing insights related to your Practicum Experience.
Because this Discussion area is an open forum tailored to the unique dynamics of each quarter of this course, your Instructor will select and post a Discussion question for your response. The Instructor will also assign the due date for the this Discussion.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Participate in a scholarly forum related to the Practicum Experience
This week, you will be required to respond to the Discussion question posed by your Instructor. Respond and participate according to the requirements and due date set by the Instructor.
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NURS 8600 DNP Field Experience Weekly Discussions And Assignments
NURS 8600/ NURS 8600A/ NURS 8600F/ NURS 8600M/ NURS 8600S/ NURS 8600W/ NURS 8600C:DNP Field Experience | Week 11
The journals and time logs you complete in this course help to ensure that you are making significant, steady progress toward your practicum hours requirements and towards the learning objectives you developed in your Practicum Experience. These assignments also allow you to communicate regularly with your Instructor in this course and receive feedback and guidance during your practicum.
As you continue your engagement within your practicum setting, consider the learning objectives outlined in your Practicum Experience as well as the overall career goals you have set for yourself. Reflect on your experiences within your practicum setting, and refer to the Week 1 Assignment 1 area for a full description of the practicum requirements.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Evaluate Practicum Experience
Assignment: Journal III
Journal entries need to connect your previous professional experience with your practice, competencies/concepts in the program, and the information provided in your Practicum Experience. You will continue adding to your journal, creating a cumulative log of your Practicum Experience as a whole. This comprehensive journal will be submitted as a whole for each journal submission assignment.
All journal entries are one page in length (250–300 words) and should adhere to the Walden University guidelines for scholarly writing. Visit the Walden Writing Center for assistance. Include APA-style citations and references where appropriate.
By Day 7
Submit all three journal entries of your practicum experiences (the first two journal entries were previously submitted in Weeks 3 and 7).
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