NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy Entire

Get NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy Essay assignment help

NR 552 Entire Course Week 1 – 8

NR 552 Week 1 Discussion-Answer: Macroeconomics National Health and Wealth

NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy

Review Figure 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and Table 1.2 from Chapter 1: Economics and Efficiency, from the Olsen text (2009).
Discuss the relationship between health, wealth, and healthcare in the United States.

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NR-552 Week 1 Discussion-Answer: Nurses Supply and Demand

Nurses are a limited health care resource. What is the current supply and demand for professional nurses in your local area or state? What alternatives or interventions are being … to equalize the supply and demand of professional nurses?

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NR 552 Week 2 Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Paper: Lead Exposure

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to: a) perform a literature review of an environmental issue affecting health outcomes, b) investigate an environmental issue and detail the effect on public health, c) examine the health, social, and economic impacts of the environmental issue, c) identify suggested adaptations or interventions to resolve the environmental issue and enhance health, d) present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.

Due Date: Submit at the end of Week 2.

Requirements: Assignment Criteria for the Paper:

  1. Review literature on an environmental issue that is affecting public health.
  2. Provide a brief introduction to the environmental issue.
  3. Detail the effect on public health.
  4. Discuss health, social, and economic impacts of this environmental issue.
  5. Explain causes of the environmental issue.
  6. Discuss proposed adaptive measures or interventions and the expected impact to public health and healthcare costs.
  7. The body of the scholarly paper is to be 3-5 pages in length excluding title and reference pages.
  8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition
  9. Include a minimum of four scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media.

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NR-552 Week 2 Discussion-Answer: Environment and Healthy Lifestyle

What environmental changes have employers or city planners in your area made to promote a healthy lifestyle for employees or citizens? What are the … health and economic outcomes of these environmental changes?

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NR 552 Week 2 Discussion-Answer: Policies for Public Good

What local policies (city or state) have … enacted to provide for the public good in relation to lifestyle choices such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, or vehicle safety? … are the ethical and legal implications of these policies? What health and healthcare cost outcomes are expected as a result of this policy?

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NR 552 Week 3 Discussion-Answer: Externalities of Public Services

Investigate a publically provided healthcare service in your community. Briefly describe the service provided, including the population served and how the program is funded. What are the negative and positive externalities of providing this service?

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NR-552 Week 3 Discussion-Answer: Select Patient Paid Services

The cost of covering all medical services demanded by participants of healthcare insurance plans is calculated into the overall cost of premiums for all participants. To maintain or lower premium costs, should insurance companies deny coverage for some healthcare services? Which services would you recommend become patient-paid-only and why?

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NR 552 Week 4 Assignment: Healthcare Insurance Comparison Paper: Medicare Vs PPO Payment Models

Medicare Vs PPO Payment Models

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. compare and contrast two insurance plans payment models at a specified level of healthcare service (one governmental plan and one private plan),
  2. examine the patient population served by each insurance plan,
  3. investigate the impact of each payment plan on access to care, access to services or procedures, and patient outcomes,
  4. evaluate both insurance payment plans for economic, social, or ethical issues,
  5. present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.

NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy

Due Date: Submit at the end of Week 4.


  1. Choose a level of care (primary, secondary, tertiary) to investigate payment models.
  2. … government provided insurance plan to investigate (Medicare, Medicaid).
  3. Choose any private insurance plan to investigate.
  4. Discuss the patient population each insurance plan represents.
  5. Define the payment models of the two insurance plans (government and private) when paying for services at the level of care you have chosen to review.
  6. Discuss the possible impact of each insurance payment model on access to care or choice of provider or facility.
  7. ……. insurance payment model on access to healthcare services or procedures.
  8. Discuss the possible impact of each insurance payment model on patient outcomes.
  9. Describe any economic, social or ethical issues that arise from having one insurance plan over another.
  10. The body of the scholarly paper is to be 3-5 pages in length excluding title and reference pages.
  11. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition
  12. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media.

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NR-552 Week 4 Discussion-Answer: Medicare Medicaid Payment

Depending on the location primary care providers practice in, they may have a larger-than-average patient population paying with Medicare and/or Medicaid. What could be the consequences of a large Medicare/Medicaid patient base to the provider and to the patient?

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NR 552 Week 4 Discussion-Answer: Paying for Medical Services

Compare and contrast the various methods of payment for hospital services. Which payment model do you feel best meets the criteria of cost efficiency, allocative efficiency, and cost containment? Explain your choice

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NR 552 Week 5 Discussion-Answer: Funding for Global Health

In a time when the United States struggles with balancing the budget, would you advocate for spending United States dollars for global health assistance to support developing countries? Describe the social, political, or economic implications associated with your answer.

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NR-552 Week 5 Discussion-Answer: Medical Tourism

After reading the assigned article by Turner (2010). Define medical tourism and discuss how medical tourism has benefited or harmed access to care for the citizens of developing countries. What are the legal, ethical and human-caring principles that can … identified on both sides of this issue?

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NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy

NR 552 Week 6 Assignment: Healthcare Topic Debate PowerPoint: Free Market Healthcare Presentation

Free Markets: Promoting Quality and Innovation in Medicine

The purpose of this assignment is to: a) investigate healthcare economic policy currently affecting nursing, b) describe the social, political, and economic forces influencing policy, c) support the enactment of policy based on impact to nursing practice, patient outcomes, and finances/cost, d) present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.

Due Date: Submit at the end of Week 6.


This assignment will be a PowerPoint presentation to debate healthcare policy related to topics affecting nursing. All debate topics and sides of the policy must be represented. It is important for nurses to have knowledge of all sides of issues affecting nursing and patient outcomes so it is not important which side you receive. During Week 7, you will be able to review both sides and make a decision on where you actually stand on the issue.

  • Negotiate debate topic with faculty based on the assigned reading articles listed below. Negotiate with faculty which side of the debate you will present.

Buerhaus, P. I. (2010). Is U. S. health care evolving toward a single-payer system? An
interview with health care economist Paul Feldstein, PhD. Nursing Economics,
28(3), 198-201.

Debate Topic #1: (side A) free market healthcare system versus (side B) government regulated single payer system

Elgie, R. (2007). Politics, economics, and nursing shortages: a critical look at United
States government policies. Nursing Economics, 25(5), 285-292.

Debate Topic #2: (side A) free market without government interventions versus (side B) government intervention and subsidies

Hendrich, A., Chow, M. P., & Goshert, W. S. (2009). A proclamation for change
transforming the hospital patient care environment. The Journal of Nursing
Administration (JONA), 39(6), 266-275.

Debate Topic #3: (side A) increased registered nurse staffing versus (side B) maintain current staffing and utilize methods to increase efficiency

  1. Investigate the policy related to the debate topic.
  2. Provide an overview of the topic and policy related to the topic.
  3. Describe the social, political, and economic forces influencing the policy.
  4. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to nursing practice.
  5. ……. on impact to patient outcomes.
  6. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to finances/costs.
  7. The presentation is to be 5-7 slides in length excluding title and reference slides.
  8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition
  9. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook and assigned reading articles. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media.

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NR-552 Week 6 Discussion-Answer: Caring and Cost Efficient Nursing

After reading the article: Cara, C. M., Nyberg, J. J., & Brousseau, S. (2011). Fostering the coexistence of caring philosophy and economics in today’s healthcare system. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(1), 6-14.
Propose a caring behavior or policy you would like to initiate in your workplace. Describe how this caring behavior would impact nursing satisfaction, patient outcomes, and healthcare costs.

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NR-552 Week 6 Discussion-Answer: Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care

The Emergency department normally experiences a surge in the number of patients. The clinical stability of patients varies considerably. To provide optimal care for patients a more flexible and responsive staffing pattern is required. In delivering high-quality and timely care in the Emergency Department, correct staffing is essential. A combination of the increased number of patients and shortage of nurses in the Emergency Department has resulted in the formulation of a number of staffing models (Gedmintas et al., 2010).

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NR 552 Week 7 Discussion-Answer: Cost-Effective Analysis

Access the Chamberlain on-line library (Medline/CINAHL) to locate an article analyzing a treatment option or other policy change utilizing cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analysis. The following search terms may assist in locating an article: cost-effectiveness analysis, cost versus benefit, or cost-benefit analysis.

Briefly present the topic discussed in the article. How was the cost measured? How was benefit measured? What are the implications for policy change based on the cost analysis?

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NR 552 Week 8 Discussion-Answer: Influencing Policy through Healthcare Economics

This course has taught me a lot about developing fiscally responsible changes in the healthcare sector. I have learned that it is important for a policy to be fiscally responsible especially in a time when the cost of healthcare has developed significantly. I will utilize the concepts learned in the course to develop healthcare changes that are economical and at the same time helping in improving patient’s outcome.

NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy

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