Policy Brief: Healthcare Policy and Finance Paper

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Policy Brief: Healthcare Policy and Finance Paper

Policy Brief: Detailed Directions

 As stated in The Essentials, healthcare policy can facilitate or hinder healthcare delivery, and legislation directly affects the environment in which advanced practice nurses (APN) practice. APNs are called to participate in the legislative process, influencing policy development to better meet the needs of providers and care recipients. Ultimately, MSN and DNP education have two outcomes related to healthcare policy and advocacy: (a) examine and evaluate the policy process and (b) engage in political activism as it relates to ensuring healthcare policy reduces disparities, improves access and quality, reduces costs, and promotes equity.

This assignment focuses on the student’s ability to understand and evaluate policy processes and make decisions on whether certain policies achieve the goals outlined above. From there, graduates can transform this knowledge into political activism: Developing a policy brief is one way to accomplish this. By utilizing this strategy, graduates ensure that they have a seat at the table when decisions about their practice are being made.

Policy briefs are succinct documents that are easy to review and work to persuade a chosen audience to support or remove support for the development of a particular policy.

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The following steps outline what you need to accomplish for this assignment. Additional questions are wel- come and should be posted in the Course Q&A.

  • Step1:
  • Step2:
  • Step3:

Bill Selection. Choose a federal-level healthcare bill that addresses

a healthcare problem of your choosing. You must choose a federal bill from the 117th Congress (Jan. 3, 2021 to Jan. 2023). The bill must still be pending. You may not select a bill that has already passed both the Senate and the House or one that is waiting on signature from President. You may use a bill that has only passed one of the congressional branches— either the House or the Senate, but not both. use congress.gov, senate.gov, house.gov, Iegiscan.com, or the Thomas Library of Congress to search for a health-related bill to analyze for this brief.

Executive Summary. Begin your brief with an executive summary that introduces the chosen healthcare issue. This will be your audience’s initial contact with your brief so you want to make sure it is compelling so that they continue to read.

In 1-2 paragraphs, you should (a) describe the issue, (b) address its impact,

  • express why it’s timely to address this issue now, and (d) introduce what the major outcomes that would result from fixing the Support this section with relevant facts, figures, statistics, and costs.

Background and Significance. Discuss how each of the following factors relate to your problem. Include explanations of (a) how they contribute to the existence and magnitude of your problem, and (b) how your problem affects them:

  1. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
  2. The Local, State, or National Economy
  3. The Healthcare System or Advanced Nursing Practice
  4. Ethical Theories or Bioethical Principles

    Policy Brief: Healthcare Policy and Finance Paper

Each of these should be developed and supported separately and include facts, numbers, figures, research, and statistics to support your statements. Specific SDOH and their connection to your issue should be included. In your ethical section, connect your discussion to a particular ethical factor or theory that is relevant to your topic. This section should paint a picture of the far-reaching impact of the issue. Focus on the problem and not potential solutions, including the bill you chose.

  • Step 4:
  • Step 5:
  • Step 6:
  • Step 7:

Historical Context. Summarize the history of your issue as a public health concern. Discuss if the issue has been debated in the past and the major opinions that prevailed. Lastly, summarize the past legislative attempts to resolve this problem and their outcomes/impact.

Policy Recommendation: Introduce your policy recommendation using its bill number and title (if titled) and summarize what it is intended to do. Support your selection of this bill by addressing (a) how it fills in gaps left by previous legislation and (b) why it is preferred to other methods of solving the problem. Support this section with evidence. Include a working link to your bill.

Policy Brief: Healthcare Policy and Finance Paper

Criteria for Evaluation. This section is the central aspect of this assignment and requires you to use evidence to analyze the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity (three Es) of the bill you selected as described below:

  1. Effectiveness: Summarize current evidence describing how the specific strategies proposed in the bill are effective at solving the chosen Discuss the immediate, short, and long term outcomes that are achievable following the implementation of this bill.
  2. Efficiency: Summarize current evidence that demonstrates how the specific strategies in the bill are Include illustrations of cost

versus benefit and/or cost versus effectiveness. Broadly, discuss the human, monetary, infrastructure, and technical resources required for

implementation as applicable and whether this is sustainable.

Policy Brief: Healthcare Policy and Finance Paper

  1. Equity: Discuss how the specific strategies in the bill have been shown to impact health disparities and inequities. Also consider whether implementation of the bill itself is equitable. Identify any concerns about the fairness of cost sharing or burden of implementation.

Specific examples of strategies from your bill should be included in each section above. The ability to perform objective analysis is key to quality policy evaluation. The conclusions presented in this section should be the result of synthesizing research findings from the literature. It is not meant to reflect your opinion. The bill itself cannot be used for support for any of the three Es.

Areas of Concern. Explain at least one potential unintended negative consequence of this bill. Discuss gaps in knowledge, data, or evidence that make predicting outcomes difficult or that bar you from fully supporting a particular aspect of the bill. Support with evidence as applicable.

Step 7:

Step 8:

Potential Barriers. Identify and discuss potential barriers to implementation and/or full realization of intended outcomes. These may be social, educational, cultural, or legally based for example. You may also describe factors not list here.

Assignment help Policy Brief: Healthcare Policy and Finance Paper

Reference List. a minimum of 10 references published within the last 5 years on your list. The majority must be peer-reviewed references. Additional references types may include current events, information from professional organization sites, and relevant publications from corporation websites. In-text citations and reference list entries should be presented in APA format.

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