Get NR 553 Global Health Entire Course Assignment papers help
NR 553 Entire Course Week 1 – 8
NR 553 Week 1 DQ (with Peer Response): Commission on Social Determinants of Health
NR 553 Global Health Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8
Bell, Taylor, and Marmot (2010) stated that the Commission on Social Determinants of Health was to move global health from a biomedical model to a social model. Describe the focus of the Commission on Social Determinants and discuss how the Commission’s focus will impact policy related to global health.
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NR-553 Week 1 DQ (with Peer Response): Global Health Challenges
Explore one global health challenge from your text or lecture this week and expand on its causes, trends, and the corrective action needed, taking into account resources in the developing world.
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NR 553 Week 2 Assignment: Evaluating Epidemiological Data
Get nursing help on NR 553 Week 2 Assignment: Evaluating Epidemiological Data, from top-notch nursing essay writers. Order top nursing papers
NR-553 Week 2 DQ (with Peer Response): Epidemiologic Transition
Correlate one leading risk factor causing the greatest burden of disease in developed regions with Omran’s theory of epidemiologic transition.
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NR 553 Week 2 DQ (with Peer Response): Burden of Disease
Discuss one of the leading risk factors that cause the greatest burden of disease in a high-mortality developing region, as well as one associated implication for health policy.
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NR-553 Week 3 DQ (with Peer Response): Ethical Principles in Global Research
Using the Chamberlain online library, explore global-health research … conducted in developing countries. Discuss ethical principles (autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and/or justice) of global health related to a specific global-health research study … conducted in developing countries.
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NR 553 Week 3 DQ (with Peer Response): Inequality, Power, and Privilege
“Today’s real borders are not between nations, but between powerful and powerless, free and fettered, privileged and humiliated. Today, no walls can separate humanitarian or human rights crises in one part of the world from national security crisis in another” (Markle, Fisher, & Smego, 2007).
Consider the above statement from your text by Kofi Annan. Identify one existing global health inequality and discuss how power and privilege play roles in the inequality.
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NR-553 Week 4 DQ (with Peer Response): Disaster Preparedness and Response
Explore an organization involved in providing disaster preparedness and response (local, national, or international). Briefly present the organization and describe the role of nurses in fulfilling the objectives of the organization in case of emergency. Propose another opportunity for nursing to become actively involved with this organization in providing disaster preparedness or response.
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NR 553 Week 4 DQ (with Peer Response): Outbreak Disease-Australian Listeria
Global Alert and Response (GAR). Review a disease outbreak posted this year that includes information on how the disease was contracted and recommendations for control and/or prevention. Provide an overview of the disease alert. Was this information … available to healthcare professionals and the general public? Where else could healthcare professionals and the general public gain information on disease outbreaks?
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NR-553 Week 5 Assignment: Global Substance Abuse
Get nursing help on NR-553 Week 5 Assignment: Global Substance Abuse, from top-notch nursing essay writers. Order top nursing papers
NR 553 Week 5 DQ (with Peer Response): Cultural Norms and Healthcare Issues
Search the World Health Organization website or Chamberlain online library for a social or cultural norm associated with behaviors leading to healthcare issues. Discuss the global healthcare issue. Explain how cultural or social norms or practices play a role in perpetuating the behavior.
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NR-553 Week 5 DQ (with Peer Response): Nursing and Population Health
Share a brief report on a scholarly article that emphasizes how nurses are making a difference in global health related to one of the health issues of global populations presented this week.
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NR 553 Week 6 DQ (with Peer Response): Nursing and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Investigate a non-governmental organization (NGO) involved in global health advocacy. Describe how nursing … become involved in advocacy for one global health issue or policy through this agency.
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NR-553 Week 6 DQ (with Peer Response): Nursing and Primary Care for All
Explore one global health agency and describe the involvement of nursing in providing primary healthcare for a community, region, or nation.
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NR 553 Week 7 Assignment: Telemedicine Presentation
Get nursing help on NR 553 Week 7 Assignment: Telemedicine Presentation, from top-notch nursing essay writers. Order top nursing papers
NR-553 Week 7 DQ (with Peer Response): Technology Transfer
Review an article regarding technology transfer to a developing nation. Discuss barriers to the technology transfer presented in the article
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NR 553 Week 7 DQ (with Peer Response): Promoting Health in Global Communities
Introduction of new health services or technology to communities in developing nations requires planning, communication, and insight. Discuss one theory of behavior change and how it could … utilized when planning to implement a new service or technology in a developing community.
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NR 553 Week 8 DQ (with Peer Response): Reflection of Global Health Concepts
Reflect on the concepts you have learned in this course on global health. As a nurse, how will you utilize what you have learned to promote healthy communities worldwide? Present one global health concept and provide an example of how you will use the concept toward enhancing global health.
NR 553 Global Health Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8
Get nursing help on NR 553 Week 8 DQ (with Peer Response): Reflection of Global Health Concepts, from top-notch nursing essay writers. Order top nursing papers
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