HLT 302 Week 6 Assignment essay assignment

HLT 302 Week 6 Assignment essay assignment

HLT 302 Week 6 Assignment essay assignment paper

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: First Draft

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and acceptance of a diversity of faith expressions.

The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative analysis of two faith philosophies towards providing health care, one being the Christian perspective. For the second faith, choose a faith that is unfamiliar to you. Examples of faiths to choose from: Sikh, Baha’i, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc.

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In a minimum of 1,500-2,000 words, provide a comparative analysis of the different belief systems, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research.

In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and your selected faith. Refer to chapter 2 of the Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing for the list of questions. Be sure to address the implications of these beliefs for health care.

In addition answer the following questions that address the practical and healthcare implications based on the research:

1-What are critical common components to all religions/beliefs in regards to healing, such as prayer, meditation, belief, etc.? Explain.

2-What is important to patients of the faiths when cared for by health care providers whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own?

In your conclusion, describe your own spiritual perspective on healing, what you have learned from the research and how this learning can be applied to a health care provider.

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